How to Prepare for the MSRA
What is the MSRA?
The Multi-Specialty Recruitment Assessment (MSRA) is a computer-based exam used to assess candidates applying for specialty training in the UK for certain specialties:
ACCS Emergency Medicine
Clinical Radiology
General Practice
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Nuclear Medicine
Core Psychiatry Training
Community Sexual & Reproductive Health
If you’re applying to any of these specialties then you NEED to nail the MSRA as some of them ONLY use the MSRA score to judge your application.
Exam Structure
The exam is 170 minutes and comprises 2 parts:
A Professional Dilemmas paper (95 minutes)
A Clinical Problem Solving paper (75 minutes)
The exam is explained in detail in the MSRA blueprint
Professional Dilemmas Paper
The professional dilemmas paper is essentially a ‘situational judgement test’, that is, a test to look at how you cope with difficult situations at the level of a foundation year 2 doctor (2 years after graduating medical school).
These include professional integrity, coping with pressure and empathy and sensitivity (as outlined in the exam guidance), so the focus is on professional attributes.
There are 50 questions to complete in 95 minutes (about 1.9 minutes per question).
The format of about half of the questions will be to ‘rank options in order’, which means ranking actions from most appropriate to least appropriate in a given scenario.
The other half of the questions will be ‘choose the 3 most appropriate actions’, where you get a list of 8 potential actions in a situation and you choose the 3 most appropriate.
Clinical Problem Solving Paper
The clinical problem solving paper tests how you manage the diagnosis and treatment of patients (essentially, how you apply your medical knowledge to a clinical scenario). It’s quite similar to medical school finals as it covers a lot of specialties (listed in their recruitment document, link below) and tests 5 core competencies: Investigation, diagnosis, emergency, prescribing and management.
This paper has 97 questions to complete in 75 minutes, (about 46 seconds per question).
The format of about half of them are extended matching questions (EMQs) where you get a list of 7-10 responses and then separate questions where the answers are within the list of responses.
The other half are single best answer (SBA) questions, where you just pick the most likely answer from 5-8 possible responses for one clinical presentation.
There is no negative marking, so attempt every question as you can’t be penalised!
For some free example questions, the GP recruitment website has a document with these on.
Revision Strategy
The main focus of your time will be on doing as many practice questions as you can.
The idea is to test your knowledge by doing questions from a question bank and in doing so, identify your areas of weakness, which you can read up on. Then, make flashcards on areas you need to learn and review these regularly. This is the most efficient way to revise for this exam because there is so much content to cover.
You can use paper or electronic flashcards - I personally recommend Anki as they use a spaced repetition system to show you the flashcards you got wrong more frequently than those you get correct.
The key is to create the flashcards yourself and then ensure you review them regularly (e.g. on your commute to work or lunch break). Consistency is the key here.
In summary, do questions, read up on mistakes, make flashcards and review flashcards regularly.
Question Banks
The 2 question banks that I recommend using are online and they are Passmedicine and MCQbank. A few other colleagues of mine recommend these as well. By the way, I’m not sponsored by these websites.
Passmedicine is good to get tested on a broad range of topics and I like their explanations after each question, which often include current NICE guidelines. Also, they have a nice website which tracks your scores as well, if you like that sort of thing.
MCQbank also has representative questions that are quite similar to the exam.
I recommend doing one of them completely at first before trying the other. If you finish both, then you can move on to other question banks for more practice.
Other Resources
NICE guidelines
When learning about the questions you get wrong, NICE guidelines are good to read. The exam isn’t meant to test your knowledge of guidelines, however they are a good resource to learn about treatments for conditions. You can use the original NICE guidelines or NICE clinical knowledge summaries for something concise. Bear in mind that sometimes the question banks aren’t completely up to date so their answers may differ from NICE guidelines.
One thing I did was to register for e-mail updates from NICE about any changes to the NICE guidelines, just in case something dramatic changed.
GMC good medical practice
For the professional dilemmas section, you’re being tested on your professionalism, so it’s good to familiarise yourself with 'Good Medical Practice', the professional guidelines for Doctors, which can be used to guide how you rank your answers.
GMP in action
One resource that some people used was Good Medical Practice in action, which are online scenarios on different professionalism scenarios that you can work through, with questions and answers based on GMP principles. They’re free and I did them to practise getting in the mindset of dealing with professional dilemmas, but I don’t feel strongly that they helped a huge amount. Do them if you want the practice.
UKFPO SJT practice papers
Although these are for the situational judgement test (SJT) for those applying for the UK foundation programme, it’s still free practice for you and they give rationales in the answer explanations. The guiding principles will be similar to those used in the MSRA (i.e. GMP).
How long to leave to prepare?
It depends on your situation, so I’ll give you 2 examples: the full time doctor and the locum doctor.
For myself, I was working full time, so I knew that I would have a a lot of on calls and I knew I may not be able to revise during these.
Therefore, I started revising 6 months before the exam. I wasn’t revising every single day, which would have been ideal, but I accounted for this by starting early. The only challenging part was motivating myself with such a distant deadline.One of my colleagues was locumming on an F3 year and he essentially saved up enough money that he could revise for the MSRA solidly for 2 months. By that I mean he didn’t take up any shifts at work so was just doing MSRA 100%. The guy absolutely smashed the exam and got his ideal training location. If you have this option, then it’s also a good idea.
Both strategies are valid and you should pick which fits with your situation, ideally a combination of both.
My opinion on MSRA courses is that they frankly aren’t worth the cash or time.
Courses are good for giving you supervision when doing something practical, like interview practice or for an OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination). The MSRA is a written test, so I believe your time and money is better spent doing questions from question banks.
The only time you might consider an MSRA course is if you are new to the UK system and have never sat a UK examination before, such as the situational judgement test or medical school finals. Then the course might possibly help by having someone explain the unique style of questions that can come up.
How to book your ideal time and location for the exam
You don't want to sit your MSRA exam immediately after a night shift or in a location very far away, because you know you'll perform worse when tired and don't want to spend a lot on travel costs or hotels.
The exams dates are within a range of a few days and, unfortunately, there are only a limited number of bookings for each date and location. Popular places, like central London and big cities, and the later dates in the booking period book up quickly.
So here’s how to get the time and place of your choice for your MSRA.
Essentially, regardless of whichever specialty you are applying for as your first choice, apply for GP as well. It doesn’t take any extra effort like a portfolio or interview (at the time of writing), you just need to fill in a short application form. I would also argue, in these uncertain times, it is good to have a backup option.
This is based on a theory I have: the MSRA was created for GP applications originally, so my theory is that GP national recruitment would invite GP applicants to book the exam before other specialties. Other specialties would need to wait to be notified by GP national recruitment of bookings opening before telling their own applicants.
I've noticed that my friends applying for radiology training in the past said that when they were invited to book the MSRA, only the earliest slots were available in locations far away from them. The other reason I suspect it is because, through reddit, people said that they could book their MSRA before their specialty had invited them to do so and that happened to be after GPNRO had invited their applicants.
Either way, if you apply for GP as well, keep your email notifications on and you’ll stand a reasonable chance of booking a time and location of your choice.
If you don’t want to do that, then keep an eye on reddit, because someone usually posts on r/juniordoctorsuk or just log in to the exam booking platform throughout the day of booking opening.
The MOST realistic and FREE question bank
What if I told you that there was a FREE question bank that had 100% accurate MSRA questions?
Essentially, just sit the real MSRA.
I realised this when I applied to GP training as I didn’t have a job after my ICU clinical fellowship and needed a backup. I sat the MSRA as part of the application and didn’t get an offer in my desired location, so I reapplied.
By sitting the MSRA the first time, I could see how the questions were structured, see which topics came up and learn about practical parts of the exam, such as timings and how the software works. I personally believe this was extremely helpful for me.
So if you have the opportunity to sit the MSRA as a practice run, then do it.
Useful Links
MSRA test blueprint -
Sample MSRA questions from GPNRO -
MSRA applicant guidance - Applicant Guide - R2R - FINAL.pdf
Anki flashcards -
Passmedicine -
MCQ Bank -
NICE Guidelines -
NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries -
Good Medical Practice -
GMP in action -
UKFPO SJT practice papers -